123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

4:38am 03-31-2024
adorable site!! i particularly enjoyed reading about hymmnos and your analysis of ffxiv - i mirror all of your frustrations with the title and think your takes were both mature and fair. this may be a terribly selfish request, but i would really love to hear your thoughts on endwalker - if you ever change your mind on going back. i think there are parts of it you'd like, if not love. it just seems like such a shame you endured for so long and then stopped right before the final, and imo best, arc. wishing you well!
2:56am 10-02-2023
Your website looks amazing!!!!!!!!!
9:18am 05-31-2023
I love everything about your site!!!
The design is mega eye candy and it all feels so thoughtful, a lot of heart. It really feels like a secret, special world.
I can't wait to see how it grows in the future ^^
11:37am 05-16-2023
BELATEDLY REALIZING THAT I CANNOT RESPOND TO ANY COMMENTS LEFT ON MY GUESTBOOK LMAO, but just if any pals look here again, thank you for your messages! <3333
Replied on: 11:57am 05-28-2023

...oh my god, so This is how you can reply to a message. t...today i learned. orz

1:47pm 05-10-2023
sooo obsessed with how pretty your website is!! everything is so neatly organized it's very satisfying to look at for this monkey brain (me)
5:37am 05-10-2023
ur neocities site is so cute
1:48am 05-10-2023
11:46pm 12-24-2022
ERAAAAAA!! Merry Christmas!! And I hope you get that lil shiroumasa!!!!
10:31am 10-24-2022
xP *rawr*

(The site's looking good!! I love the redux tumblr theme aesthetic of it haha)
10:00pm 10-19-2022
this is a test.